Acrostics Daily January 28 2024 answers
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January 28 2024
Ancient Greek philosopher Plato studied regular geometric forms, which are central to the study of natural elements because of the proportions they contain and the beauty of their forms. In 3 dimensions, the most symmetrical polyhedra of all are the regular polyhedra, also known as the Platonic solids. The four elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air - could be represented by regular geometric shapes (with polyhedrons of four, twenty, six and eight equal sides, respectively). The Universe could also be represented by a 12-sided polyhedron (dodecahedron). When particles with these different forms are combined, they give rise to all the natural elements we know. Although the word or concept of symmetry did not exist in Greek vocabulary in the days of Plato, the concept was already developing. The Greek noun summetria, which literally means 'of the same size', was already being used to refer to proportion.
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