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Acrostics Animals Level 140 answers

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Animals Level 140

The consistency of elephant maternal milk is so thick that it can be compared to pudding. Because it’s quite greasy and has a high fat content, baby elephants develop very fast, going from nine kilograms (or 19 pounds) at birth to sixty-eight kilos (or 150 pounds) in just three weeks. Can be compared to pudding

Whole-wheat or white:


London or Brooklyn, e.g:


Alice's trip to Wonderland was one:


Apple MP3 player:


Ask for proof of age:


How interest is shown:


Vitamin C fruit:


Console maker:


Peril, Hazard, Risk:


oeci + turp:

4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 (4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5)
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Level 141

Animals Answers
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