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Acrostics Amazing Level 213 answers

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Amazing Level 213

While an average pregnancy cycle lasts around 280 days, Beulah Hunter, a 25-year-old American lady, went to labor in 1945 after carrying a child in her womb for 375 days. She gave birth to a perfectly normal and healthy baby girl. Beulah actually had broken the book of records for being pregnant for over a year, which was the longest human pregnancy ever recorded. Carrying a child in her womb for

Firm or hard-set:


Ability to produce a desired result:


Baby shower gift:


Fireplace wood:


Farm of Southwest:


Sweet tropical fruit:


Certain horse:


Mont-Saint-___, French tourist island:


Patronize a casino:


Chardonnay factory:

4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5 (4 votes, average: 3,30 out of 5)
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Level 214

Amazing Answers
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